Sorry again for the delay in posts. I'm going to try to get good about posting regularly. In the last post I mentioned the Grand Opening Party and how much fun it was....but I didn't really get to show much of the art that was in the show. We were so lucky to have the participation of some of the most amazing artists from the gallery world and the animation world. Some of the pieces are still available online in our webstore..please check them out here:
Here's a little sampling ..

Incredible painting by internationally known Hiroyuki Matsuura, creator of the Windy Bunny doll....

The amazing Kevin Dart(he did the mural in our shop!!)...creator of Yuki 7 did this wonderful digital piece..

A fantastically cute piece from Victoria Ying(she worked on Tangled)

and we had many more in the show..over 50 in fact!!!
including Shibuya Girls Pop artists: Shinjuko, Hiroshi Mori, Nana Aoyama , Kaiyo Tamaishi, Ra'yka, Nico, Keiko Ogawa, Anne Imai, Sayaka Iwashimizu, Yuki Takahashi, Marrontic
as well as featured artists Mari Inukai, Phil Rynda, Hideyuki Tanaka ( creator of Super Milk Chan), Minifanfan, Chris Ure, Andrew Erekson, Valerie Nunez, Paul Rudish, L. Rudish, Warren Leonhardt, Anna Chambers, Mayumi Tanaka, Anders Arhoj, Aurore Damant, Cody Cameron, Yoko Nomura, Jeff Ranjo, Robert Ryan Cory, Nagi Koyama, Shin Imanaka, Luca Tieri, Chris Sasaki, Michael Yamada, Doug Gautier, Pete Oswald, Irene Yuen, Riki Takaoka, Dave Bleich,
and Justin Thompson!!! whew!!
Thanks to all of them for creating food for imagination!! and helping us celebrate our opening..
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